Today I went to the flea market and round the charity shops. I spent a bit more money than I wanted to, but have bought some lovely stuff, including some craft magazines from the 1970's. I'm going to spend the rest of the evening flicking through them - heaven! I'll do some photos of everything tomorrow.
When I got home I went in the shower and I noticed how much better it felt now I no longer jump in every day. I just seem to appreciate it more. That started me off thinking about simple pleasures and I wrote a little list in my notebook I find thats serves as a useful reminder of all the things we do have, instead of dwelling on what we don't have.
Anyway, these are a few of my simple pleasures - the stuff that makes me feel happy inside.
- A hot shower (when it's not an every day occurance)
- Lying in the bath reading a good book
- A converstaion with Karly, my 4 year old granddaughter
- Playing chase with Rusty, my dog
- Watching the antics of the blackbirds through the kitchen window
- Eating raspberries straight from the bush
- Seeing my seeds germinate
- A pot of Lapsang tea in my vintage crockery
- Afternoon tea with home made scones or cake
- A leisurely Sunday afternoon spent lying on the sofa reading a book or watching an old film
- A walk down to the lake to feed the ducks and swans
- Mint tea from the garden on a hot day
- Looking through old photos and reliving some happy memories
- An evening spent watching back-to-back episodes of a favourite TV series on DVD
- An evening spent watching Patrick Swayze 'dirty dancing'
- Walking in the rain when I know I don't have to
- Experimenting with making something new from stuff that would otherwise have been thrown out
- Writing - a few notes in my diary or gratitude book or a few paragraphs of a short story
This post made me smile: Not only are some of you favourite things mine, but your final comment reflect my sentiments exactly.