Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Getting back into the swing of things

I’ve been having a bit of a mental block lately as regards this blog – hence the lack of posts.  I think, because I had a bit of a gap when I was too busy to post I just lost my momentum. But this is my diary and it’s important to me to record what I’m doing and how it’s all going.  So, after a short interlude I’m ready to put word to paper again – or should that be fingers to keyboard?      

I certainly haven’t lost any momentum in my path towards changing my life.  Things are progressing at a steady rate and I feel myself getting a little further forward with every day that passes. Only 10 working days left in this job after today, and the last day will be just a token appearance and a little party with workmates.  It feels so exciting but scary at the same time.  I’m flying by the seat of my pants a little as I just don’t know what lies ahead.  I’ve managed to secure a few hours work a week delivering leaflets for a small business and I’m looking forward to spending working time outdoors and being more active.  Yes, even in the bad weather!  I still need more work but I have some plans and I’m hoping to be able to sell some of my craftwork at fairs and via the internet.  Bringing in a little money whilst doing something enjoyable.

Actually, I’m probably going to be very busy in the coming months.  I’ll finally be able to get around to decorating the last couple of rooms in my house and I’ve also promised Iain I’ll spend a couple of days a week helping to sort out his flat.  Then there’s the garden to overhaul and get ready for planting in the spring. For fun times I have a couple of trips away planned – a visit to Germany to stay with an old friend and a get-together in Manchester with friends from all over the country.  Sooo looking forward to both of these!

Well, that’s me updated a little.  Now I can have a catch-up with some of my favourite blogs and find out what everyone else has been doing.


  1. Sounds like you have some good plans for the future. Good luck with the retirement from work!
